Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Protect your Ipod type machine: a DIY by Jess Conjar

DIY Ipod/Iphone/any other electronic advice you own...

i feel like my purse is a black hole. i can't ever seem to find anything and when i do recover what i'm looking for, it is usually scratched or coated in various things. (i.e. lip gloss, hand cream...whatever product i forgot to close tightly.) so, in an attempt to keep my ipod (where would i be without that thing??) safe and sound, i came up with a quick diy.

this project is super simple, and depending on how much detail you want to add it can take less than 20 minutes to complete! (unless you are easily side tracked like i am. in that case, it will take you around 35 minutes+a few extra minutes if you take the time to refill your wine glass/change the channel on the tv.)

Supplies Needed*:

-felt (you can get a sheet at a.c. moore for 29 cents)
-fabric scraps
-embroidery thread
-pom poms (you could use buttons, yarn, rhinestones)
*these are just the supplies that i used. as far as fabric goes, use whats around. my roommate and i save clothes that have stains or are ripped for extra fabric...

1. Cut felt so that when folded it is just slightly larger than your ipod, phone, etc. (my measurements were 3 1/4" x 9 1/4")
2. Cut circles out of scrap fabric (i like mine to look imperfect, so i just eyeballed it and let the edges frayed)
3. Bunch circle together to form a flower. stitch into felt. Repeat.
4. Add pom poms to center of flowers
Once you have enough flowers, fold the felt in half (so that flowers are on the inside)
5. Hand stitch sides of case

6. Turn right side out ( I used the end of a paintbrush to push out the corners)
7. Add other embellishments. I used felt and stitched around the top of my case.

And Voila! Now you have a functional (and more importantly, adorable) way protect your ipod! Also makes a quick and easy gift!

Jess Conjar is a nester from afar. She lives and works in the Philadelphia area and plays whereever the wind blows her. She is fabulous and always makes Baloney giggle.


  1. I LOVE IT! It's so cute. After I finish all my other 56236 projects, I will definitely try this one! Thanks, Jess :)

  2. This is so adorable. I love it. Great idea :)

  3. This is genius! You make it sound so easy but I know that mine would never look quite that good. What a great idea and I love your sense of humor! Thanks for the idea!
    Wendy C
