Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tricks, Treats + Some Scary Good Costumes

Beans and Bologna: "Boo!"

This year I felt a little weird about Halloween. I think it started with the fact that it was recognized in stores during the months of August and September only. Earlier than ever in my books. The weird feeling carried over into the month that it actually occurs and got weirder when a coworker explained to me that she doesn't recognize Halloween because she's Christian. I consider myself pretty open-minded about religious preferences, but I will admit that I must have looked at this particular individual like she had put a mask on a couple weeks early. "Hold on... you don't, like, dress up? Why? What about All Hallows Eve? All Saints day? No? Really? Did something happen?"

Her answer was: "No."
I'm still confused...

Anywho, all weirdness aside, this year turned out pretty well. I got to dress up twice, I handed out candy to children (like a real adult), and my family reunion Halloween party was hands down the BEST yet.

Halloween can teach you lessons, too. This year there were several lessons learned along the way including:

1. lollipops can be used as a tool to get your friend to shut up and stop whacking you with your own costume.
2. cab drivers do not appreciate you asking them to stop and wait for your friends to get in.
3. narwhals are actually real animals.
4. dressing up like a scary vampire is more fun than dressing up as a sexy anything (boo, whores!)
5. just because you don't remember taking that shot of whiskey does not mean you won't pay the price for it the next day. oh, and you paid a $10 price for it last night, too.
6. wearing a strip of spandex across your tush does not count as an outfit.
7. there is a real, live, Zack Morris look alike and his name is Jeremy.

These may not be lessons learned just last night but they are lessons it never hurts to remind yourself of. As the age old saying goes Halloween is truly about the toss up between "Trick or Treat!"

Party People

What did you dress up as for Halloween? Was it skanky or scary?

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I am aware that it's Saturday morning in Maryland, but it's still Friday somewhere (i.e., I did not get around to posting yesterday). In honor of the Halloweekend, we put on our scariest faces for you for Facial Expression Friday! 

I took a little poll last night to ask residents of the Nest, including honorary ones, what their biggest fears are. This is what they had to say (Note: I may or may not have made one of these up.):
  • Toni: "A robber in the house."
  • Taylor: "Dying in a fire."
  • Francis: "You know the movie, 'The Fly'? When the person starts turning into the animal, and his body parts start falling off? And also, amputations."
  • Ellen: "Blood."
  • Jeremy: "Ellen breaking up with me." 
  • Me: I FEAR NOTHING! ...Actually, I'm really scared of getting shot. And drowning, although I'm a pretty good swimmer. Dying in a fire is a good one. Also, I'm always scared that I'll drop newborn babies when I hold them. I guess my biggest fear is getting shot. Is that weird?

Here's a little treat for you--a clip from one of my favorite episodes of Scare Tactics!

What's YOUR biggest fear??

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Music and Booze for the Swell Season

All summer I found myself bopping along the streets of Philadelphia to warm weather tunes: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Gorillaz, Local Natives and Free Energy. It was a Summer worthy of remembrance. There were plenty of breaks, deep tans, great times with very good people , and parties, oh, the parties. I didn't want to let this Summer go. I think at one point I even flipped Fall off. "This is bologna!" I said to the first change of weather. (And then I said, "No, I'm Bologna. Wait, no, you are what you eat. I don't even like bologna. Who am I? Wait, what?!")
Good People

Somewhere in the midst of the ongoing self conflict, my heels-once firmly dug into the dry ground-lifted and began to carry me along the turned leaves scattered along the sidewalks of suburban Maryland. And now, I am so happy Fall is here.

I am ready to trade my brown leather sandals for my brown leather boots. I am ready to turn in my sundresses for sweaters. I am ready for hearty, heavy, rib-sticking meals!

So, play this one more time:
And for goodness sake! Pour me another one of these:

Krupnik Polski

1-1/2 cup honey
2/3 cup water
1 tsp. vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
8 sticks cinnamon
2 whole cloves
3 strips lemon peel
1 bottle of vodka

Combine honey with the water, vanilla, spices and the lemon peel in a large saucepan. Bring this to a boil cover, and simmer for about 5 min. Add vodka, remove from the heat serve hot or cold.

Today's Thirsty Thursday beverage of choice comes from Ms. Lea Burns' blog A Pot in Time. Follow her most recent adventures, hints and suggestions while she lives the green life here: La Vita Verde

Michelle Wie ain't got NOTHiN' on BRiE!

I'd like to give a special shout out to my golf superstar cousin, BRYANA (aka Brie, Cheeseball, Cheesey, Na-na)!

image"Atholton freshman Bryana Nguyen turned in an impressive performance in her first state championship tournament, firing a two-day total of 149 and finishing alone in second. She ended up six shots behind Arundel’s Elyse Smidinger, who won with a one-over-par total, but Nguyen did edge B-CC’s Clare Connolly and North Point’s McKenzie Cutter by one shot for the runner-up finish." ~Columbia Flier,

Second in states, first year of high school! Good job, Brie! Love you!!! I think you're going to need a bigger trophy room. GO RAIDERS!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Look out, late 80's and early 90's!!

What inspired me to start rollerblading again for the first time since 1993, you ask? (Well actually, once in 2006 I rollerbladed at a 90's party, and in 2007 I rollerbladed to class because I was late for an exam or something important. My parking lot was a mile away from class and I had the rollerblades in the trunk of my car from when I wore them to the 90's party.) Anyway, the answer is THIS! (<- click)

I stumbled across this article a few weeks ago and decided to strap on my old pair of foot wheels. Upon witnessing how cool I looked gliding along the streets of suburbia, Ellen decided to snatch up a new pair of rollerblades for herself! [BY THE WAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLEN!!! :)] Toni and Taylor are still on the prowl for the perfect pair. Together, the birds of The Nest will give rise to the Rollerblading Movement of the 2000's. JOIN US!!

While this cardio activity is super awesome for your heart and your butt, it's also great for FUN. So in the name of FUN, I present to you the very first ROLLERBLADING MOVE OF THE WEEK. I call it... THE PILLOWFACE.  
I had to recruit my cousin, Gaby, to videotape this move for me. Toni couldn't watch me try it. Ellen doesn't like blood. Taylor wasn't home. Chloe doesn't have opposable thumbs. The video was put together by Angela, Gaby's little sis. [Thanks, Lala! I'm only allowing you to leave the scary face in there this time because Halloween is coming up.]

Comments, questions, concerns? Suggestions or moves you would like to see? Let us know!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Say Bye to Crabs

Last night I had dinner with the 'rents. They brought crabs home from Steamers, a restaurant in Bethany Beach, which is now closed for the season. So very tasty, the crabs were! Yum. 

What condiment do you usually eat with your crabs? I've tried butter, mayonnaise and Sriracha, among others. But my very favorite thing to dip my crabmeat in is something my mom introduced to me as a child--it's a mixture of fresh-squeezed lime, salt, pepper, and sugar. It may sound WEIRD or GROSS to some, but to those of you with brave and/or curious taste buds, give it a try next summer! It may turn out to be your favorite too!

Below, you can see how much I love these spiders of the sea: 
The delicious Maryland Blue Crab, covered in inches of Old Bay

Well, you can't really eat these guys, but it doesn't hurt to try...unless they're poisonous...then you break out in hives...then start growing claws out of your forehead...and a stinger tail...and eyes on your temples. Ok, do not try this at home.

Sadly, since crab season is now over, I will have to go back to eating humans. Until next summer, my crustacean cronies!
Me, eating humans

Mama Always Said

Feel good foods are essential when under the weather. With the cold and flu season's opener making its rounds, knowing what to eat and drink to stay healthy can be your ticket to avoiding what your coworkers/fellow students/friends/family members may have.

As a kid my mom always took the holistic route to keeping me healthy and remedying my colds. "Fluids and rest, fluids and rest, fluids and rest," was the motto she stood by. Antibiotics were an absolute no-go in our household because of my mild allergy to penicillin. Long story short: Bologna's Mama wasn't havin' none of it! We were doin' things the natural way (if ever possible, of course)!
However, one argument against holistic remedies is that a major part of its healing is a mental game. Mind over matter is what many attribute the success of both traditional and holistic medicinal treatments. Perhaps it's because my mother embedded the idea of holistic medicine's success in me from a young age, but it has certainly carried over into my adulthood.
Natural medicine > Traditional medicine.
In honor of Tuesday's food theme I thought I would share with you some tasty foods that have always made me feel better:

1. Egg drop soup: Rich in protein which our bodies use as fuel to fight colds. There are many easy recipes available but if the only energy you have left is reserved to pick up the phone- delivery restaurant egg drop soup has always done the trick for me. While this is one of my favorites, if you aren't a fan I suggest something with a lot of simple proteins and low in carbohydrates so your body isn't shifting energy to break down foods difficult to digest.

2. Homemade popsicles: Sore throat? Throw some apple, orange or grape juice in an ice cube tray with a wooden stick. The result- electrolyte full, economically friendly, sore throat soothers.

3. Simple garlic soup: 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic added to boiling water. Simplest recipe ever. If taken once a day, garlic soup can open up respitory passages leading to lower fevers while cleansing toxins from the system.

4. Ginger tea: Not just because it is oh-so-yummy (this time!) Ginger has healing properties that combat cold symptoms and fevers. While I typically love Yogi's version, it's recommeded that bits of ginger be added to boiled water for serveral minutes before tea leaves are added for best results.

5. Herbal Cough Drops: Mama stands by these until today. Great lozenges can be found at most health food stores but this year's cold has me motivated to make my own. The wonderful thing about making them yourself is that you can customize them with herbs/essential oils that will best treat your cold. Here is a list of ideas to get you started:

Horehound - pain reliever, stimulates digestion (hard to find... but apparently works miracles)
Echinacea - best before full onset of cold, anti-bacterial (echinacea+honey+lemon= my favorite!)
Peppermint - expectorant, decongestant and mild pain reliever (tastes yummy, too!)
Eucalyptus - decongestant
Camphor - decongestant
Ginger - pain-relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant
Licorice - anti-viral, chest and throat soother
Sage - good for sore throats
Yarrow - reduces fevers and inflammation
If you don't have a cold already make some now so you can have them on hand! RECIPE HERE
(NOTE: there are several methods of incorporating your preferred herb. Some suggest creating a strong tea and others recommend essential oil. The base of the drop is a simple plain hard candy which makes room for creativity/tweaking it make it your own!)

Do you have a favorite natural remedy for colds? What did your Mama always say about keeping the doctor away?

p.s. The image at the beginning of today's post is from If you haven't visited the site yet you should... really.


A few weeks ago I learned that my friend, Ryan (aka Beardsley), was coming out with his very own CD! My first brush with Beardsley's musical talent was when I witnessed him play Rock Band at the EXPERT level on both the drums and guitar, making little to no mistakes--AMAZING. My second was when we got back from a bar in Raleigh at around 2 a.m. and he drunkenly played his rendition of the Foo Fighters' 'Everlong'--sounded pretty good and not too slurry as one would expect.

Anyhow, when the CD was done, I requested an autographed copy. I listened to it. To my surprise (no offense, Ryan), he is way more than a Rock Band expert and drunken guitarist/singer. On his CD, Ryan sings, plays the guitar, the bass, the drums AND the keyboard! 

Well the next step was ALBUM ART, so of course he asked ME! I agreed. I asked for his favorite colors, a list of "likes", anything he specifically wanted on there, and for him to tell his roommate to stop buying stupid things for his car. I got "blue, orange, red, black, planes, particle physics, WWII, instruments, and he won't listen to me because he doesn't listen to anyone." (Ok, fine. I made that last part up.)

My first two ideas got shot down, so it finally came down to bald mustache man (an image out of a favorite book of Beardsley's). Idea #1 (shown below): City skyline, Japanese sun but orange/blue instead of red/white (he had just gotten back from Japan), Guitarzilla chasing little drumanese through the streets. Idea #2: Bottom half of Beardley's face, overly hairy beard, instruments protruding from beard. Winner (shown below below): serious, non-cartoony, incorporating picture from a novel, not Celene-style, but still awesome because Celene made it. 
Idea #1
The Winner (NOTE: This man is not Ryan.)
And don't forget to check out his music HERE!

Friday, October 22, 2010

The very first: Facial Expression Friday

With so much excitement in anticipation of this weekend's events, no better expression could be our first expression: EXCITED!!!
Reasons to be excited:
1. Bologna's Annual Family Halloweenie Partay!
2. Camping- in West Virginie and Pennsyltuckey
3. Pumpkin Pancakes with Pumpkin Coffee (the list could really start and end here.)
4. Chili Cook off!
5. mystery visitors
6. Awesome, awesome, AWESOME Fall weather as the setting for it all.

We hope you have a super duper weekend, too!

What does your excited face look like?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


For many, the idea of "going for a run" is comparable to going for a whirl in an electric chair (SCARY STUFF!) But for others, those who see past the illusion of its sheer torture, you may relate to Bologna & Beans when we say;
"It's not that bad!"
In fact, we love running for funning! Reasons why you should join us:

1. Just as we decide to order pizza and watch a Modern Family marathon we'll decide to hit the asphalt with you instead. Having a running buddy will keep you running more often and motivated!
2. If we run together we can eat (Ahem: drink) together. Just think of all the calories we'll burn! That's a piece of pizza and a beer to celebrate! This fact is proven by the great Gwen Stefani of No Doubt/Gwen Stefani/L.A.M.B/Harajuku Lovers when asked how she keeps her (impossible) figure after having two children: "It's just a calories game. If you're going to eat what you want, burn enough calories to keep yourself looking good. It may be vain but it's what has worked for me." *sigh* LOVE her.
4. Because quitters never win and winners never quit:

Do any of you have a running buddy? What are your favorite reasons for running with that person?

We leave you with this thought:

"You aspire to great things? Begin with the little ones." -St. Augustine.

Whether its incorporating running into an exercise regimen or shaving off that last minute of your marathon time you've got to start somewhere. Always put your best foot forward and remember to have fun!

Hold on tight, spider monkey!

Adding onto Bologna's post, I'd like to express my sentiment:
Carrying on... despite all the cons of rock climbing-- e.g., blistered hands; having to wear shoes made for elf children; rope burn; harness wedgies; puffy forearms; bruised shins, arms, elbows, face, head, shoulders, knees & toes, knees & toes...--I still LOVE the sport. As a novice climber, I'm still learning the ropes. *ba-dum, ching!* I was introduced to this crag-grabbing activity back in April and fell in love with its physical and mental demands. While your body is getting an awesome workout, the pink & grey matter inside your skull is always trying to think of the next move.

Last night I went to Earth Treks with my BFF, Dana. We're prepping for a weekend of food, fun, friends, and rock climbing adventures at Seneca Rocks, WV! Not to mention, we're going during the weekend of the annual chili cook-off held at the climbing school there...mmm, yum. Anyway, let me tell you a few reasons why ET is awesome:

1) Harness bulge. Although at first it makes you somewhat uncomfortable, the crotch-y bulge of male rock climbers-caused by the shape and design of climbing harnesses-provides for a great source of entertainment.
2) Hot, manly men. I've never seen more muscular, rugged men in one place. They have big broad shoulders, scruffy faces, legs thicker than chickens', and the smell of their bare feet in sweaty climbing shoes is to die for.
3) During what other sport could you say, "Hey, you've got a little pink nub between your legs!"? (FUN FACT: This actually happened. I was watching my friend climb indoors at ET and he couldn't find foot placement, so I thought I would be a good friend and give helpful advice. I guess I should've found words better than "little pink nub" to describe the foothold.)

IN CONCLUSION, everyone should climb rocks--inside and/or outside. It's a great, easy, fun way to increase your level of fitness. A person will burn an average of 700 calories in just ONE hour of climbing. Give it a try! You could be the next Spiderman, Edward Cullen or Chris Sharma.
P.S. - Please forgive the absence of the rollerblading video. I will have one next week, I promise! My roommates refused to videotape the indoor move I was working on and yelled at me when I was practicing, because it was "too dangerous". :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Among this season's most celebrated treasures (pumpkineverything!leaves!applecider!coolweather!) I look forward to Fall because of food. October and November are hearty, earthy, rustic months and my appetite tends to reflect that. As the middle months of the year dwindle down I become increasingly lustful after the perfectly spiced taste of beer brewed for Fall. (Note: Fall beer is also usually brewed with the perfect ABV% to get the job done, quickly.)

Enjoying some delicious Oktoberfest beer at the Ol'Heidelberg in Huntsville, AL.

Last night the nest hosted an oven's worth of pumpkin scones topped with a spicy sweet glaze (bring it- Starbucks!) and this weekend some of the birdies are caravaning to a chili cook-off hosted in the forest of WV. In fact even tonight's dinner menu at the nest is loaded with foods that answer Fall's call: "Comfort me."

Just thinking about it has exhausted me with Fall possibilities! In fact, I'm ready for another relaxing mug of ginger tea followed by a long, somber sleep. Good night!

Do any of you have recipes or traditions reserved especially for Fall?

"To be great- feel great, act great." -Yogi Tea Wisdom

Awreatha Franklin

     A couple weeks ago, a bittersweet sensation came over me as I was driving down Snowden River Parkway. I was on my way to Life Time Fitness when I looked out my window out of curiosity--I wonder what store is going to take the place of Filene's Basement (RIP, great bargain store. *tear*). [[BITTER]]  To my astoundment (not because I had heard of this store and already knew it was amazing, but because the name of it is awesome), there was a brand spankin' new HOBBY LOBBY!! [[SWEET]] I freaking love hobbies. And rhymes.

     So instead of going to Globo Gym, I decided to stop into this creativity wonderland and take a gander. I felt like I had hit the arts and crafts jackpot. Hobby Lobby > Michael's + Joann! All of my random-stuff-making needs in one big happy place.   

     ANYWAY, I went craft-crazy and bought a bunch of stuff, including everything I needed to make this pretty, wintry yarn wreath! I know I got a little bit ahead of the seasons, but I didn't think I'd be able to finish a fall one before fall ended. BUT NOW I WANT TO MAKE ONE FOR FALL, SUMMER AND SPRING! AND EVERY HOLIDAY!

                             A WREATH.                                                A FRANKLIN.

^ A work in progress: my winter wreath, 
inspired by my favorite yarn-wrapping Etsyan, KnockKnocking!