Saturday, October 30, 2010


I am aware that it's Saturday morning in Maryland, but it's still Friday somewhere (i.e., I did not get around to posting yesterday). In honor of the Halloweekend, we put on our scariest faces for you for Facial Expression Friday! 

I took a little poll last night to ask residents of the Nest, including honorary ones, what their biggest fears are. This is what they had to say (Note: I may or may not have made one of these up.):
  • Toni: "A robber in the house."
  • Taylor: "Dying in a fire."
  • Francis: "You know the movie, 'The Fly'? When the person starts turning into the animal, and his body parts start falling off? And also, amputations."
  • Ellen: "Blood."
  • Jeremy: "Ellen breaking up with me." 
  • Me: I FEAR NOTHING! ...Actually, I'm really scared of getting shot. And drowning, although I'm a pretty good swimmer. Dying in a fire is a good one. Also, I'm always scared that I'll drop newborn babies when I hold them. I guess my biggest fear is getting shot. Is that weird?

Here's a little treat for you--a clip from one of my favorite episodes of Scare Tactics!

What's YOUR biggest fear??

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