I stumbled across this article a few weeks ago and decided to strap on my old pair of foot wheels. Upon witnessing how cool I looked gliding along the streets of suburbia, Ellen decided to snatch up a new pair of rollerblades for herself! [BY THE WAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLEN!!! :)] Toni and Taylor are still on the prowl for the perfect pair. Together, the birds of The Nest will give rise to the Rollerblading Movement of the 2000's. JOIN US!!
While this cardio activity is super awesome for your heart and your butt, it's also great for FUN. So in the name of FUN, I present to you the very first ROLLERBLADING MOVE OF THE WEEK. I call it... THE PILLOWFACE.
I had to recruit my cousin, Gaby, to videotape this move for me. Toni couldn't watch me try it. Ellen doesn't like blood. Taylor wasn't home. Chloe doesn't have opposable thumbs. The video was put together by Angela, Gaby's little sis. [Thanks, Lala! I'm only allowing you to leave the scary face in there this time because Halloween is coming up.]
Comments, questions, concerns? Suggestions or moves you would like to see? Let us know!
can you rollerblade jump over all of your roommates instead of pillows? thanks!