Tuesday, November 23, 2010


In the good ole U S of A, turning the big 2-1 is a milestone usually celebrated by going to a bar and drinking your face off. You get to bid farewell to that trusty fake ID. You get to say bye-bye to the big black Sharpie 'X's on your hands (and you can use Chapstick for just your lips!).  You can finally purchase alcohol on your own, and you get to experience your first legal alcoholic beverage!

Well as you may or may not know, my dear cousin Gaby celebrated her 21st birthday a few days ago (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GOOB!). In America, 21 year-olds like to try and consume 1 drink for each year they have been outside of the womb. Keeping in line with this American tradition, Gaby accepted the challenge. Since it was going to be unlikely the next day that she would remember what she drank the previous night, I created a log for Gaby's liquid consumption--more commonly known as a SHOT BOOK.

It's simple. You need 21 pages (or more if you want to fit photos too), pretty paper, stickers, markers, and whatever else your creative mind encourages you to gather. Make sure the book is small and portable. I also like to buy the mini keychain Sharpies, because those are also easy to carry and pass around. This is how it works: (1) Buy the 21 year-old a drink; (2) Write down the name of the drink; (3) Sign your name, and also ask others who shared the drink to sign.

She wasn't my first victim. A couple years ago, I made my first shot book for Tamie! She is a champion, for she filled out every page of that book (I allowed one page for water!). Although she may have felt horrible at the end of the night and into the next day, she can now proudly say that she completed an American challenge. She can also say that she's able to drink more than her little cousin. Gaby only made it to number 10. Don't worry, 11 more are coming your way!


  1. False allegations! I only had the chance to get to 10 because I was only given 10!

  2. GABY is such a liar!! I continuously asked her if she wanted to take more shows and she kept saying, "NO IF YOU BUY MORE SHOTS I WON'T TAKE IT!!! WAAA WAA." She has still yet to reach 21! Tsktsktsk.
