Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mama Always Said

Feel good foods are essential when under the weather. With the cold and flu season's opener making its rounds, knowing what to eat and drink to stay healthy can be your ticket to avoiding what your coworkers/fellow students/friends/family members may have.

As a kid my mom always took the holistic route to keeping me healthy and remedying my colds. "Fluids and rest, fluids and rest, fluids and rest," was the motto she stood by. Antibiotics were an absolute no-go in our household because of my mild allergy to penicillin. Long story short: Bologna's Mama wasn't havin' none of it! We were doin' things the natural way (if ever possible, of course)!
However, one argument against holistic remedies is that a major part of its healing is a mental game. Mind over matter is what many attribute the success of both traditional and holistic medicinal treatments. Perhaps it's because my mother embedded the idea of holistic medicine's success in me from a young age, but it has certainly carried over into my adulthood.
Natural medicine > Traditional medicine.
In honor of Tuesday's food theme I thought I would share with you some tasty foods that have always made me feel better:

1. Egg drop soup: Rich in protein which our bodies use as fuel to fight colds. There are many easy recipes available but if the only energy you have left is reserved to pick up the phone- delivery restaurant egg drop soup has always done the trick for me. While this is one of my favorites, if you aren't a fan I suggest something with a lot of simple proteins and low in carbohydrates so your body isn't shifting energy to break down foods difficult to digest.

2. Homemade popsicles: Sore throat? Throw some apple, orange or grape juice in an ice cube tray with a wooden stick. The result- electrolyte full, economically friendly, sore throat soothers.

3. Simple garlic soup: 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic added to boiling water. Simplest recipe ever. If taken once a day, garlic soup can open up respitory passages leading to lower fevers while cleansing toxins from the system.

4. Ginger tea: Not just because it is oh-so-yummy (this time!) Ginger has healing properties that combat cold symptoms and fevers. While I typically love Yogi's version, it's recommeded that bits of ginger be added to boiled water for serveral minutes before tea leaves are added for best results.

5. Herbal Cough Drops: Mama stands by these until today. Great lozenges can be found at most health food stores but this year's cold has me motivated to make my own. The wonderful thing about making them yourself is that you can customize them with herbs/essential oils that will best treat your cold. Here is a list of ideas to get you started:

Horehound - pain reliever, stimulates digestion (hard to find... but apparently works miracles)
Echinacea - best before full onset of cold, anti-bacterial (echinacea+honey+lemon= my favorite!)
Peppermint - expectorant, decongestant and mild pain reliever (tastes yummy, too!)
Eucalyptus - decongestant
Camphor - decongestant
Ginger - pain-relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant
Licorice - anti-viral, chest and throat soother
Sage - good for sore throats
Yarrow - reduces fevers and inflammation
If you don't have a cold already make some now so you can have them on hand! RECIPE HERE
(NOTE: there are several methods of incorporating your preferred herb. Some suggest creating a strong tea and others recommend essential oil. The base of the drop is a simple plain hard candy which makes room for creativity/tweaking it make it your own!)

Do you have a favorite natural remedy for colds? What did your Mama always say about keeping the doctor away?

p.s. The image at the beginning of today's post is from ExplodingDog.com. If you haven't visited the site yet you should... really.


  1. My recipe for a cold, which my nephew swears by - it soothes a sore throat and clears phlegm like no other:

    Boil some water & brew a "tea" of ginger, honey & lime (I use pulp, zest and all). Sift out the solids if you want, but I like chewing on the cooked ginger & lime slices.

    Beanz's cousin-in-law (fave, by the way), and huge fan of her artistic talents & creativity.

  2. Do you mean Mommy?

    Don't forget her special - the BRAT diet.

    Apple juice

    I forget what it's for, maybe if you have a brat around that says they don't feel good.
