Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tricks, Treats + Some Scary Good Costumes

Beans and Bologna: "Boo!"

This year I felt a little weird about Halloween. I think it started with the fact that it was recognized in stores during the months of August and September only. Earlier than ever in my books. The weird feeling carried over into the month that it actually occurs and got weirder when a coworker explained to me that she doesn't recognize Halloween because she's Christian. I consider myself pretty open-minded about religious preferences, but I will admit that I must have looked at this particular individual like she had put a mask on a couple weeks early. "Hold on... you don't, like, dress up? Why? What about All Hallows Eve? All Saints day? No? Really? Did something happen?"

Her answer was: "No."
I'm still confused...

Anywho, all weirdness aside, this year turned out pretty well. I got to dress up twice, I handed out candy to children (like a real adult), and my family reunion Halloween party was hands down the BEST yet.

Halloween can teach you lessons, too. This year there were several lessons learned along the way including:

1. lollipops can be used as a tool to get your friend to shut up and stop whacking you with your own costume.
2. cab drivers do not appreciate you asking them to stop and wait for your friends to get in.
3. narwhals are actually real animals.
4. dressing up like a scary vampire is more fun than dressing up as a sexy anything (boo, whores!)
5. just because you don't remember taking that shot of whiskey does not mean you won't pay the price for it the next day. oh, and you paid a $10 price for it last night, too.
6. wearing a strip of spandex across your tush does not count as an outfit.
7. there is a real, live, Zack Morris look alike and his name is Jeremy.

These may not be lessons learned just last night but they are lessons it never hurts to remind yourself of. As the age old saying goes Halloween is truly about the toss up between "Trick or Treat!"

Party People

What did you dress up as for Halloween? Was it skanky or scary?

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